Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bling Bling for Florida Beach Halfathon

Here it is...cute medal for the Florida Beach Halfathon....doesn't it just make you want to visit the beach?

If I survive next week's Sarasota Half Marathon...I'll be going for this one next :)

Seriously...stop me!  How can I do so many back to back?  Isn't this what got me into the problem of my performance at the Gasparilla?  Or, was that seriously just a fluke?  I'm just not certain anymore.

Either way, I like the idea of the Florida Beach Halfathon...seems that its done by runners for runners.  Grass-roots effort.  No major "for profit" activity...just a normal, honest profit.  It does interest me, I have to say!


  1. Oh my gosh, I LOVE your blog! I'm a new BloggyMoms follower. Your blog and running accomplishments are super inspiring! I just started a running club with my coworkers (including 2 women that are moms). We're only up to 2mi but it has been so much fun. I really look forward to your future posts!

  2. Thanks so much Tess! Isn't great to inspire others to run? You are going to get such a great sense of accomplishment out of it. And its funny....they think you are merely encouraging them and yet, you feel re-engerized and even more determined to run when they hold you in such esteem...so in fact, they are encouraging you! I miss SoCal though...never ran when I lived there, but I did take advantage of everything else over there! Thanks for the follow!

  3. That is a great medal! Fellow Floridian runner (albeit a new runner) here and I was eyeballing the FL Beach races for the future, too. But, do they run in sand??? I'm pretty sure my knees and ankles would reject that entirely, lol!

    Enjoying your blog very much :)

  4. nothing to fear...mostly packed trails...some parking lot as well :)
