Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Iron Girl: Last Half of the Season

So, all I get to look forward soon is the last half marathon of the season....Iron Girl on April 22nd.  The course looks to be beautiful, but I must admit that the bridge (which is more intimidating than the Ringling Bridge - which makes people worried - combined with the heat is a lot to take in for this new runner!  Us Floridians don't spend much time outside after April 1st (if its not in a pool!).

Joe has also been crazy busy this last 2 months, and next month is his busiest month of the year...so I have to really be focused to get in as much running as I possibly can.  And, we will not have a kitchen until after tax season...so our life is not going to get less hectic anytime soon.  But, hey, I definitely want to do better at this last race than I did at the last two.  Quite frankly, the lack of running really did affect me at both Sarasota and Florida Beach Halfathon.  I know that I am capable of a better performance. Sure, the heat played its part...but I have not been putting in the requisite miles as of late.  Now, can I reverse this trend without hindering my family in the process?  Its simply hard to do right now...but I'll try find a way!

So, there are a few small events between now and the fall race season, but I am going to ensure that I am respectable for this last half AND enjoy it tremendously at the same time!


  1. Isn't Iron Girl April 29th? It is the weekend before Frederick. I'm signed up for both to get the Titanium Girl medal.

  2. Monica, Columbia is the 29th....Clearwater is the 22nd :) We are all ok :)
