Tuesday, December 20, 2011

P90X2: Training Phases

So, I finally read through the pages and pages of information that came along with the program. There are basically three phases to the program (foundation, strength, performance). This is not considerably different than P90X. Foundation is done for 3-6 weeks, with a 7-day program. Strength is 3-6 weeks as well, and Performance is 3-4 weeks.

The recovery week's program is detailed as well, but instead of a recovery week every scheuled 3 weeks, its encouraging you to do a recovery week whenever needed. So, you can either whip through this program in 9 weeks (3 weeks for each phase and utilize no recovery weeks), or you can take more time and finish in 20 weeks:

Foundation: 3 weeks
Recovery: 1 week
Foundation: 3 weeks
Recovery: 1 week
Strength: 3 weeks
Recovery: 1 week
Strength: 3 weeks
Recovery: 1 week
Performancce: 3 weeks

This program clearly has a lot more flexibility to it, as a result. You can easily build it around travel schedules or busy holiday weeks..these are simply your recovery weeks. Now, of course, you are still exercising during a recovery week....but this focuses on using the foam roller, stretching and yoga. Whats also nice about the recovery week's agenda is that I can imagine that you can easily break these into groups, eg 30 minutes in the morning and 30 in the evening, more readily than any other part of the program. So, flexibility is inherent in the program, which makes it more attainable to me.

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